
WeberWoche from The Rodina on Vimeo.

Exhibition: 10 - 14 September 2014
Two-Day Performance Event: Friday 12 September (starting time: 16:00 hrs) + Saturday 13 September (starting time: 14:30)
Short movie: WeberWoche Day 1
Short movie: WeberWoche Day 2
Photo album: WeberWoche Revisited

Part of the program:
Attempts to Read the World (Differently)

Location: Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
For inspiration please visit:

Schedule Performance and Lecture Program
12 and 13 September 2014: >> scroll down

WeberWoche catalog: read online

In the fall of 2014 Stroom Den Haag will present the so-called WeberWoche, celebrating the re-enchantment of the world and ideas. The starting point of this exhibition and performance program is the concept of the Entzauberung der Welt, the disenchantment of the world, a notion first articulated by the German sociologist Max Weber in Science as a Vocation (1919). Artists, performers, filmmakers, composers and theoreticians, resourcing from multiple areas of knowledge and operating through contrasting artistic and discursive strategies, will shape a multifaceted program aimed at questioning the role of enchantment in today's secularized Western society.

In short, Weber's concept of disenchantment describes the character of modernized bureaucratic society, where scientific understanding is more highly valued than belief and where decision-making is founded on rational considerations. Numbers and calculations reign supreme.

‘The fate of our times is characterized by rationalization and intellectualization and, above all, by the 'disenchantment of the world.' Precisely the ultimate and most sublime values have retreated from public life either into the transcendental realm of mystic life or into the brotherliness of direct and personal human relations.'
(Max Weber, Science as a Vocation, 1919)

In Weber's perspective, mankind has initiated developments that have come to live a life of their own and subsequently have turned against their own creators. He uses the metaphor of a 'stahlhartes Gehäuse', an iron cage. The most notorious example is bureaucracy, which evolved from an independent means into an end in itself, and now forms a threat to individuals autonomy. A bureaucratic cloud hovers all and everyone, enforcing a regime of compliance turning human beings into mere pawns.

In order to escape such rational coercion, Stroom Den Haag will utilise the WeberWoche to look into past for statements and concealed knowledge, and to unearth these findings by getting into an ‘enchanted state'. Along winding roads and through prismatic insights - like a hydra with numerous talking heads capable of affirming the contradictory and the multiple - WeberWoche will attempt to find new wisdom.

WeberWoche presents contributions by Alexander Kluge, Gabriel Lester, Helga Wretman, Jan Verwoert, Justin Bennett, Katie Paterson, Katja Novitskova, Koen Vermeir, Melanie Bonajo, Nathaniel Mellors, Plastique Fantastique, Rachel Maclean, Robertas Narkus, Ryan Trecartin, Simon O'Sullivan.

12 & 13 September 2014
All times subject to change
All lectures are in English

Friday 12 September 2014
16:00: Helga Wretman, Fitness for Artists (class/performance)
- break -
17:30: Simon O'Sullivan, Myth-Science, Art Practice as Fictioning (lecture)
- break -
19:00: Katja Novitskova, Patterns of Survival (lecture)
19:45: Ryan Trecatin, CENTER JENNY (screening)
- break -
21:00: Plastique Fantastique, Myth Science Sound: Evolution of Time Stretcher Tool Neuropath 3.0 (performance)

Saturday 13 September 2014
14:30: Koen Vermeir, 'Old gods ascending from their graves'. Science, magic, and the arts in dis/enchanted times. (lecture)
15:30: Plastique Fantastique. Monarch Drone Communiqué (performance)
- break -
16:30: Gabriel Lester, Four Doves (performance)
16:45: Jan Verwoert, Ways to exit the dialects of dis- and re-enchantment (lecture)
- break -
18:15: Robertas Narkus, Where are my flip-flops? (lecture)
18:45: Rachel Maclean, Over The Rainbow (screening)

WeberWoche is curated by Bruno Listopad in collaboration with and upon invitation by Stroom Den Haag.

Design: The Rodina

WeberWoche is made possible in part by:
City of The Hague, Mondriaan Fund, Creative Industries Fund NL, Stichting DOEN.

LINKS (Alexander Kluge) (Gabriel Lester) (Helga Wretman) (Jan Verwoert) (Justin Bennett) (Katie Paterson) (Katja Novitskova) (Koen Vermeir) (Melanie Bonajo) (Nathaniel Mellors) (Plastique Fantastique) (Rachel Maclean) (Robertas Narkus) (Ryan Trecartin) (Ryan Trecartin) (Simon O'Sullivan)

Metropolis M, 22 September 2014
chmkoome's blog, 13 september 2014

WeberWoche, 10-14 September 2014
photo: design: The Rodina
WeberWoche, 10-14 September 2014
photo: design: The Rodina
Quote by Max Weber
WeberWoche, 10-14 September 2014
photo: design: The Rodina
City of The Hague
Mondriaan Fund
Creative Industries Fund NL
Stichting DOEN