Ondertussen: glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back

Project Sukebeningen, Nishiko and Gabey Tjon a Tham

21 March - 10 May 2015
Locatie: Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Monday-Friday: 11-17 hrs; Saturday-Sunday: 12-17 hrs
Closed: 5 May (Dutch Liberation Day)

Under the name ‘Project Sukebeningen' Noriko Koide, Akane Takada and Yota Morimoto organize various art projects around sensuality and (Japanese) eroticism. They offer artists the opportunity to explore the subject from their specific point of view and from the viewpoint of their own artistic discipline. Usually it is a collaborative effort.

Upon invitation by - and in collaboration with - Project Sukebeningen the Hague artists Nishiko and Gabey Tjon a Tham developed the work ‘glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back' that was shown in the exhibition space of Quartair in The Hague from 11 through 18 July 2014. In a darkened environment they created a space-filling sensory installation, creating a subtle and sensual experience for the visitor.

In the Ondertussen space Nishiko, Gabey Tjon a Tham and Yota Morimoto show a selection of used objects, materials and sounds. In addition they present a video documentation of the installation at Quartair.

For their project with Nishiko and Gabey Tjon a Tham, Project Sukebeningen received a PRO Kunstprojectensubsidie in 2014.


The former reception area of Stroom has been converted into a small exhibition space. On a regular basis there are presentations of artists who have received a subsidy in the categories Stroom PRO- and SPOT-grants. The informal exhibitions and presentations are intended to illustrate the diversity of the Stroom grant system. The program in the space is called Ondertussen (the Dutch word for 'meanwhile').

Archive Ondertussen presentations

Ondertussen: glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back
photo: courtesy the artists
Ondertussen: glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back
photo: courtesy the artists
Ondertussen: glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back
photo: courtesy the artists
Ondertussen: glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back
photo: courtesy the artists
Ondertussen: glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back
photo: courtesy the artists
Installation 'glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back' at Quartair, 2014
photo: Ed Jansen
Installation 'glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back' at Quartair, 2014
photo: Maurice Tjon a Tham
Installation 'glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back' at Quartair, 2014
photo: Ed Jansen
Installation 'glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back' at Quartair, 2014
photo: Ed Jansen
Installation 'glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back' at Quartair, 2014
photo: Ed Jansen
Installation 'glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back' at Quartair, 2014
photo: Maurice Tjon a Tham