Slotweekend SHOW MORE: Disorderly Group Behavior in Public Space

Zaterdag 12 en zondag 13 december 2015, 12-17 uur
Locatie: Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag
Toegang: gratis
Reserveren: niet nodig
Voertaal: Engels
Onderdeel van Culture of Control

Presentaties ter gelegenheid van het slotweekend van SHOW MORE.

In de periode 2014-2015 heeft een research groep van het Sandberg Institute onder leiding van architect/ontwerper Elmo Vermijs zich verdiept in het onderwerp Disorderly Group Behavior in Public Space (DGBPS),waarbij naar het onderwerp gekeken werd vanuit het perspectief van architectuur en de sociale psychologie. Er werd gesproken met experts uit beide disciplines over onderwerpen als: performativiteit, acteren, 'randomness', social media, democratie, crowd control, individualiteit, het publieke domein en de semi-publieke ruimte. Leden van de research groep zijn o.a.: initiator Elmo Vermijs, medewerker van het Lectoraat Art and Public Space, Rietveld Academy, en de deelnemers Abla elBahrawy, Nikola Knezevic, Katinka De Jonge (with Céline Talens), van de School of missing studies, voormalig master's programma van het Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. Tijdens het slotweekend van SHOW MORE zullen ze de resultaten van het onderzoek en hun projecten presenteren en bediscussieren.


Dag 1: Zaterdag 12 december 2015

12:00 hrs - 13:00 hrs
- Disorderly Group Behavior hyper diagram production
This exercise is silent.
As a kick off visitors are invited to participate in the production/drawing of the DGBPS-diagram with the research group members. It is a form of a game according to the following principle: the words 'disorderly group behavior in public space' are written on a board and everybody is welcome to get involved; add, change, draw, connect, erase, question, and shape the content of the diagram.

14:00 hrs - 16:00 hrs
- No conclusion reading group
Close reading of 1 selected text moderated by Clare Butcher. The reading group will take place in the lobby of Stroom. This is an invitation to walk through, join, leave comments etc. The text can be download as a pdf here (click on the title):
The Distribution of the Sensible
(an extract from Jacques Ranciere's book Politics of Aesthetics

Dag 2: Zondag 13 december 2015

10:00 hrs - 12:30 hrs (private session)
- "You say it once, I hear it twice."

Erik Hagoort and the participants of the DGBPS research group had a conditioned conversation for two hours and forty minutes. They made variations on a motif proposed by Hagoort, while they practiced to avoid asking questions and avoid giving answers.
Conversation partners: Abla elBahrawy, Erik Hagoort, Katinka de Jonge, Nikola Knežević, Céline Talens.
For more about symprovisation:

Exhibition open to the public from 12 hrs

14:00 hrs - 16:00 hrs
- Disorderly meditation ritual and presentation of individual projects
Lunch moderated by Tina Cake Line + display and presentation by other researchers.

Slotweekend SHOW MORE: Disorderly Group Behavior in Public Space
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Slotweekend SHOW MORE: Disorderly Group Behavior in Public Space
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Slotweekend SHOW MORE: Disorderly Group Behavior in Public Space
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Slotweekend SHOW MORE: Disorderly Group Behavior in Public Space
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Disorderly Group Behavior in Public Space
Nikola Knezevic, 'Voice-over Public Space', 2015
foto: courtesy the artist
Nikola Knezevic, 'Voice-over Public Space', essay, 2015 (design by Mirte van Duppen)
foto: courtesy the artist
Abla elBahrawy, 'The Formula', Object Chart, 2015
foto: courtesy the artist
Abla elBahrawy, 'The Formula', Formula Diagram, 2015
foto: courtesy the artist
Tina Cake Line, 2015
foto: courtesy the artist
SHOW MORE, tentoonstellingsoverzicht bij Stroom Den Haag, 2015
foto: Gerrit Schreurs, courtesy Stroom Den Haag