
Stroom publishes recent press releases on this webpage.

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Augustina Woodgate: More Heat than Light
'Stroom presents More Heat than Light'

Speelruimte (dutch only)
'Stroom opent deuren voor Speelruimte'
Date: 25 August 2023

Positions: Elsewheres
'Stroom presents Positions: Elsewheres'
Date: 10 February 2023

From the Sea to the Clouds to the Soil

'Stroom presents From the Sea to the Clouds to the Soil'
Date: 14 September 2022

Juliana monument (dutch only)
'Prinses Beatrix onthult Koningin Juliana monument'
Date: 02 September 2024

Michael Rakowitz (dutch only)
'Michael Rakowitz maakt nieuw kunstwerk in Den Haag'
Date: 28 March 2024

Monument Haags Slavernijverleden en Koloniale Erfenis (dutch only)
'Wethouder ontvangt advies over Monument Haags Slavernijverleden en Koloniale Erfenis'
Date: 30 January 2023 (dutch only)
'Wat is er met die Zebraklok gebeurd?'
Date: 13 December 2022

'Ontdekkingstocht Kunst in de Vinex nieuw op website Buitenkunst Den Haag'
Date:11 October 2022