PRO Kunstprojecten (Art Projects)

• Art projects that take place in The Hague
• Art projects that take place outside The Hague, bbut directly benefit the city's art scene and Hague artists
• Publications
• Maximum amount you can apply for: € 10.000 (from € 5.000 cofinancing is required).

For whom
• Applicants based in The Hague (artists, curators, critics, publicists, organisations);
• Applicants based outside The Hague whose plan will contribute to The Hague's artistic and cultural climate.

Art projects eligible for this grant have the objective to realise a specific activity in the public space or in a space that can be easily accessed by the general public. Neither the project nor its intended audience necessarily have to be large in size. However, the project should be defined by a clearly-identifiable interaction between the presented work, the viewer and the physical space.
In the case of publications, the project needs to be based on a pronounced artistic and substantive concept, involve an autonomous artistic experiment, focus on deepening our understanding of art or stimulate reflection on art or a specific subject. The publication may concern an artist's book, monograph, catalogue, magazine or other form of publication.

How much
• Maximum amount € 10,000.- (from € 5,000.- co-financing obligatory).

• Application dates: 8 times a year.
With the application form PRO Kunstprojecten (PRO Art Projects). Please fill out the Dutch form (full English translation of the Stroom Grant brochure can be downloaded separately, see below).

Closing dates 2023
• 2 January, 30 January, 27 March, 1 May, 29 May, 28 August, 30 October, 20 November

All forms can be download via the Subsidies (Funding) page >> click here