Artist statement: Jip Hilhorst (Invest)

My artistic practice is stimulated by an existentialist approach of the excessive nature of human kind. Through integral installations involving site specific structures, drawing and prints, sound, sculpture and ultimately the human entity embodied by performers; the work assumes the position of recreations of dreams and thoughts relating to the ultimate ideal of freedom that the individual struggles with universally. Freedom concerns us all, whether it is freedom of mind, of information, physical, spiritual or moral freedom; human beings are restricted at times without even being aware of it. Through my work, I aim to reveal the quest for liberation on a personal level; the exploration of power relations and the function of propaganda are distinct influences, as I aspire to evoke the physicality of the pursuit of control through methods of fear and illusion within the installations and performances. These themes are cultivated through the construction of ‘Dreamscapes', in which two dimensional mediums and motifs unfold into space and creep upon our impending reality.

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