Expanded Performance: The Belgian Job

Zondag 16 december 2012, vanaf 15:00 uur
Locatie: Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag

Afsluiting van Expanded Performance

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Een middag met performances door Dynamics-Of-Performance en studenten van de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Den Haag (KABK). De performance The Belgian Job door Dynamics-Of-Performance start om 16 uur exact! De andere drie performances (Surplus People van Gaby Felten; Mag ik van tafel door Charlotte 't Hart en Ben Terwel; en Approximation door Ludmila Rodrigues) zijn te zien vanaf 15 uur. Meer informatie (alleen in het Engels) over de verschillende performances staat hieronder.

Dynamics of Performance - The Belgian Job

16.00-16.30 uur - start om 16 uur exact!
Dynamics-Of-Performance are excited to announce a new work that aims to steal a show taking place in the heart of Belgium and relay it live to Stroom Den Haag. This delicate operation is so secret that the full details cannot be disclosed until the start of the event. Attendance is a MUST if you are to fully appreciate this unusual occurrence. Dynamics-Of-Performance aim to take the concept of illegal file-sharing out of the Internet and into the real world. Stroom will become a crime scene. Undercover plagiarizers will operate behind enemy lines. La Monte Young's Composition 1960, number 6 provides the starting point. This piece was a precursor to Fluxus, a tendency that defined the term 'intermedia', creating a synthesis of music, theatre, visual art, composition, and poetry. The piece switches the roles of audience and performer, inviting the performers to become audience members. According to the most popular scientific models, the Universe will eventually contract, resulting in a new Big Bang that will produce an entirely new Universe completely beyond our comprehension. Similarly, Dynamics-Of-Performance think that in order to expand performance, performance must first be contracted. An early definition of 'originality' was 'to go back to origins', and this is what they intend to do.
Dynamics-Of-Performance is a new interdisciplinary collective based within the Master of Artistic Research program of the Royal Academy of Art and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. Their aim is to research approaches to performance in various fields through practical experimentation.

Gaby Felten - Surplus People
vanaf 15:00 uur doorlopend
Gaby Felten is the 4,523,619,693rd person in the world, and a representative of the widely unseen demographic of Surplus People. Surplus People are competent human beings with a variety of skills which are currently not in use thanks to the present structure of our economy. This afternoon Gaby Felten will set up a temporary Department of Surplus Person Affairs in the foyer of Stroom Den Haag. Visitors can complete a short survey and have an informal chat with Gaby, possibly leading to the discovery of dormant skills. Visitors can also find out the approximate number that corresponds to them out of the 7 billion people alive today, by using their birthdate as a coordinate. They will receive a card with this number to take home.

Charlotte 't Hart en Ben Terwel - Mag ik van tafel?
vanaf 15:00 uur doorlopend
Mag ik van tafel (Can I leave the table) is a social experiment to investigate audience participation. Charlotte 't Hart, a performance artist who is researching table situations, and Ben Terwel, an artist who has been designing artistic (board)games joined forces to create this work for Expanded Performance at Stroom Den Haag. Two persons are seated at a table. One of them is offering the other a piece of cake. The person refuses and starts folding a paper airplane instead. Is this a performance, or a game? And are you audience, or more?

Ludmila Rodrigues - Approximation
vanaf 15:00 uur doorlopend
Approximation is a set up which invites people to discover a communication via touch. Ludmila Rodrigues explores ways of engaging people into play. While playing they share movements and find new expressions. By connecting their hands to the Approximation system they enter a game of mirrored experience. Differently from the other senses, touching is always mutual, one touches and is touched. It requires proximity, it relates to curiosity and trust. During this exchange of perceptions the limits of the participants' bodies are blurred. They become performers, but the tension of the experience happens inside the two of them.

www.tinamustao.com (Ludmilla Rodrigues)

Dynamics-Of-Performance, 'The Belgian Job'
foto: poster design: Anna Moreno
Dynamics-Of-Performance, 'The Belgian Job'
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Dynamics-Of-Performance, 'The Belgian Job'
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Gaby Felten, 'Surplus People'
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Gaby Felten, 'Surplus People'
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Charlotte 't Hart en Ben Terwel, 'Mag ik van tafel?'
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Ludmilla Rodrigues, 'Approximation'
foto: Stroom Den Haag
Ludmilla Rodrigues, 'Approximation'
foto: Stroom Den Haag
The One Minutes Foundation films van 'Stad School'
foto: Stroom Den Haag