Zefir7: New Signatures 2019

Tuesday 17 September 2019, 20:30 hrs
(doors open: 20 hrs)
Location: Stroom, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Language spoken: English
RSVP not needed
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Zefir7 is the Monthly Designers Café at Stroom Den Haag in collaboration with BNO. This evening talented students from different art academies present their graduation work in great detail. The New Signatures 2019 are:

Carl Herner — Floss Forever
Cristina Kordunian — The Aimnesia Project
Rosalie van Pinxteren — Adobefashion
Mirelle van Tulder — Wicked problems
Tosca Schift — Anti Chair Movement


Carl Herner — Floss Forever
Living videos is a fitting name for the kind of work Swedish designer Carl Herner shows in his project Floss Forever. He experiments with motion capture and animation until control in the end seems to have evaporated. So lively and uncommonly rich in movement are his animated avatars that they have become truly autonomous characters. See them move and you'll feel like joining in.

Cristina Kordunian — The Amnesia Project
The Aimnesia Project focuses on the concept of human hybrid memory, which can be augmented, influenced, and modified by AI. Today, artificial neural networks play an unseen but crucial role in our digital ecosystem by defining and recommending what should be seen, listened to, and read. Within the current machine learning revolution, so-called generative adversarial networks (GANs) are trained on massive datasets of images, sounds, and texts and can generate realistic patterns. Through the experience of absurd video installation about a hybrid memory creation made by using a pre-trained BigGAN model, the Ganbreeder app, and a reverse Google image search, Chris Kore intends to prompt a discussion of evolving algorithms that can be trained on our online photos and can fill in memory gaps by creating fake memories that are plausible enough to be perceived as real.

Rosalie van Pinxteren — Adobefashion
Adobefashion explores the influence of internet culture on today's digital fashion landscape. The internet, being a space dominated by Photoshopped and other manipulated imagery, plays a prominent role in our changing perception of reality. By translating Photoshopped forms into actual garments Adobefashion challenges the blurring line between our physical and digital reality. Could we still distinguish reality from manipulation and vice versa? By rethinking the representation of fashion, this project aims to show that fashion goes far beyond the physical aspects of it.

Mirelle van Tulder — Wicked problems
Graphic designer Mirelle van Tulder is fascinated by ‘wicked problems': global issues that are so complicated that they are near impossible to solve, issues such as social inequality and climate change. She wonders what role a designer can play in this. By analyzing, depicting or repackaging 'wicked' issues, Van Tulder holds up a mirror to viewers. She uses graphic, social and research-based design to challenge perceptions, promote discussions and thus contribute to change.

Tosca Schift — Anti Chair Movement
Most young product designers are not in favour of adding new things to all there is already. Tosca Schift feels the same. For her Anti Chair Movement, however, she did make quite an unusual choice. She decided to ask chairs for a dance. For them to be able to respond, she had to design them. Her choregraphed chairs are fun to watch in action. Ant eye now is the name of her cooperation with Hanneke Klaver, who was selected last year.

Visual made by ST-DUO:

Visual by ST–DUO