The Knight's Move: Laura Kurgan

Due to another obligation Laura Kurgan unfortunately had to make the decision to cancel her The Knight's Move lecture at Stroom on 28 May 2015 and at Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam on 29 May 2015.

There is a possibility that the lecture will be rescheduled in the fall. To keep up to date with her activities, follow her Twitter feed or visit:

About Laura Kurgan
If you look at the Twitter feed of the Director of the Spatial Information Design Lab at Columbia University Laura Kurgan, you get a sense of her fascinations with maps and mapping, be it of the correlation between chocolate production and Nobel prize winners or of maternity leave systems. In her book Close Up at a Distance. Mapping, Technology, and Politics, she explores the revolutionary shifts in our ability to navigate, inhabit, and define the spatial realm and the fundamental questions this raises about the intersection between physical space and its representation.

The Knight's Move
Survey season 2014-2015
is a series of lectures by eminent international speakers who stand out by their unusual, enlightening and inspirational visions concerning the city, urbanity, the public domain, and community. Just as the knight moves in an atypical and unusual way across the chessboard, Stroom Den Haag likewise wants to cut across all disciplines and thus stimulate rethinking the city.

For the 2014-2015 series Stroom Den Haag invited as partners: Lectoraat Art & Public Space (LAPS) and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Two of the lectures will also take place at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Media partners of The Knight's Move 2014-2015 are The Pop-Up City and Open!

The Knight's Move lectures are made possible by Creative Industries Fund NL and the Haagse Bluf Fonds.

Archive The Knight's Move lectures 2009-present


Pop-Up City, 2 February 2015

Cover: Laura Kurgan, 'Close Up at a Distance. Mapping, Technology, and Politics'
'Port to Port' (A visual exploration of energy shipping routes around the world), Advanced Data Visualization Project
photo: courtesy Spatial Information Design Lab, Columbia University; in collaboration with Thomson Reuters Research Unit
Laura Kurgan
Karl Valentin as Schwerer Reiter
photo: © Schloss Wahn, design: Thonik
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
LAPS (Lectoraat Art & Public Space)
Creative Industries Fund NL
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (Haagse Bluf Fonds)
Pop-Up City
Open! (Platform for Art, Culture and the Public Domain)