OpZicht: Márton Kabai

The confession of the flesh

4 april t/m 12 mei 2018
Locatie: Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag
Open: ma t/m vr, 11-17 uur; za en zo, 12-17 uur

gesloten in de weekends 5-6 mei, 12*-13 mei en op donderdag 10 mei (Hemelvaartdag) en zaterdag 19 mei.

*Zaterdag 12 mei wel open voor special event van 16.00 -17.30 uur: The confession of the flesh book launch & concert
zie facebook event

OpZicht is een presentatieplek voor nieuw ingeschreven Haagse kunstenaars in de entreeruimte van Stroom Den Haag. Het wandmeubel dient als podium en platform waarop de kunstenaar zijn of haar werk, passie en interesse kan delen met de bezoeker. Iedere presentatie duurt ongeveer 7 weken.
Archief OpZicht presentaties 2013-heden

Márton Kabai (HU) is een grafisch ontwerper en kunstenaar die woont en werkt in Den Haag. Hij studeerde in 2017 af aan de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Den Haag (KABK).

Onderstaande tekst is van de kunstenaar zelf:

How to manifest the significance of the flesh in times of change? The transformation of the human condition is as certain as the ecological, political and social crises suggest. The current belief in human progress and exceptionalism has been questioned. We ought to exceed our anthropocentric view and remind ourselves that concepts, ideas are made out of flesh and bones. In my video installation, I try to confront the mind with the matter through the unconscious to embrace the disconnection between them. I attempt to remind what we have been forgetting and altering is not only the environment (outer) but our very self (inner). What we take for granted is eventually in a constant, ongoing change.

The confession of the flesh is a video installation that departs from the posthuman theory, placing catastrophe, crisis, decay as a defining condition in today's pessimistic techno-capitalist status quo. It attempts to envision a deep psycho-analytical journey, where nothing is certain, nothing can be taken for granted, everything is in constant transformation. The mouth represents the junction between the mind and the body, a contradiction between concept and matter, the channel that forgets its own material significance, therefore it is wounded. The hands are the metaphor of the monstrous activity of mankind that actually erases itself. The elevator embodies the significance of the vertical, becomes the vehicle of the posthuman, being intimately acquainted with the unconsciousness and conscience. The video installation is an uncomfortable revelation of the hopelessness that designers have to sorrowfully acknowledge in times of uncertainty.

Written, directed, animated: Márton Kabai
Co-director, sound editing: Natela Lemondzhava
Voice-actor: Mabel Rae
Ambient sound: Mári Mákó & Rozi Mákó (Committee)
Coaching: Roel Wouters & Michel Hoogervors

Márton Kabai
Márton Kabai (HU) is graphic designer and artist based in The Hague. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK) in 2017. His works can be located around the subjects of posthuman, Anthropocene, biopolitics and crisis. He has developed an autonomous, research driven, analytical, and inherently critical design and artistic program during his studies in which he made different experiments, case studies and prototypes that took the form of books, videos, installations or games. These experiments can be seen as tools, manuals or manifestos which strive to translate complex, multi-layered systems and problems. They strive to awaken discourses and uncover biases that have been mistaken as truths or legal, question hidden processes that seem to be innocent, efficient or normal. He is the co-founder of the artist duo KLMN and recently became part of the See Lab community.

Márton Kabai, 'The confession of the flesh'
foto: courtesy the artist
Márton Kabai, 'The confession of the flesh'
foto: courtesy the artist
OpZicht: Márton Kabai
foto: Myung Feyen, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
OpZicht: Márton Kabai
foto: Myung Feyen, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Márton Kabai, 'The confession of the flesh'
foto: courtesy the artist
Márton Kabai, 'The confession of the flesh'
foto: courtesy the artist
Márton Kabai, 'The confession of the flesh'
foto: courtesy the artist
Márton Kabai, 'The confession of the flesh'
foto: courtesy the artist
Márton Kabai, 'The confession of the flesh' (installation at KABK, 2017)
foto: courtesy the artist