Coronavirus Crisis Bulletin Board

Op deze pagina verzamelen we vragen van kunstenaars en zzp'ers waarop Stroom op dit moment ook nog geen antwoord kan geven. Heb je ook een vraag, of weet je een antwoord op een van de ingediende vragen, stuur een email naar:

On this page we collect questions from artists and freelancers (zzp'ers) which Stroom is currently unable to answer. Do you also have a question, or do you know the answer to one of the submitted questions, please send an email to:

- Question from Non-EU freelancers with a temporary (not permanent) residence permit
We get questions from artists who are Non-EU freelancers with a temporary (not permanent) residence permit. They wonder what their rights are. On the back side of their Dutch ID card provided by IND, it reads "Een beroep op algemene middelen kan gevolgen hebben voor het verblijfsrecht." So are they fully qualified to apply for the financial support for zzp'ers or not?

YES THEY CAN: Important update: 17 April 2020
The Dutch State Secretary of Justice and Security has communicated to Dutch Parliament that claiming a Tozo benefit will not have any negative consequences for holders of residence permits who are required to have a certain income-earning capacity (such as holders of residence permits with the purpose "arbeid als zelfstandige", i.e. work in self-employment). >> read more

Coronavirus support (TOZO) for residence-permit holding ZZP'ers
Sign the petition to support non-EU freelancers (among them many artists) in the Netherlands obtain equal access to corona support ("TOZO") without jeopardising their visa & residency status. >> sign the petition here

Answer from a non-EU artist with a temporary residence permit
On the website of The Hague, it says that a person with legal status (geldige verblijfstitel) can also apply. It seems like they changed the condition. Please also check:

Answer by a law firm specialized in immigration
People with a residence permit as an entrepreneur, a national of the European Union*, or any other non-permanent residence permit, are advised NOT TO apply for temporary financial support as it could jeopardize their legal residence.
*EU citizens can probably get permanent status after staying for 5 years though. It is important that everybody check their eligibility before applying for the support. >> read more

Answer by AHK (Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten)
Applying for the option for exceptional benefits for freelancers who work in the Netherlands can have immediate visum implications for non EU students, so please advise them not to if they ask!

* Disclaimer
Stroom aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor de inhoud van bovenstaande (gelinkte) websites.



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