Return on Invest: Clara Palli Monguilod

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In an attempt to achieve a meeting between the world of art and the one outside of it, Clara Pallí Monguilod (1978) creates a grey zone in which it becomes difficult to determine what the difference between both is.

By having everyday actions take place in a gallery, and by employing coincidence in her art, Monguilod investigates the boundary between what is designed and that which grows spontaneously. As a result, the viewer can be overcome by mixed feelings, whereby the familiar and the absurd are difficult to tell apart.

At Stroom we present the video Strange Revelation n. 1 from 2010 in which we see Pallí's grandmother seated at a table. With headphones she is listening to a text presumably read by her granddaughter. Word for word the woman repeats the following text: 'Making art deals with existential matters. Why do I do what I do? What is it all about?' Briefly and powerfully she articulates the uncertainty with which artists are confronted daily. Because she merely repeats the words, without truly understanding them, the doubt these words express increases. Indeed: why do artists do what they do?