Play your city (Speel je stad)

2 October - 21 October 2017
Locatie: Atrium City Hall The Hague, Spui 70, The Hague
Open: Mon-Fri 7:00-19:00 hrs, Thu 7:00-21:30 hrs and Sat 9:30-17:00 hrs (closed on Sunday)
Attention: Sat 14 October City Hall is closed all day; and extra open on Sunday 15 October, 12-17 hrs
Admission: free
Spelen - Play

This autumn marks the fourth year in a row that Stroom organizes an exhibition in Atrium City Hall The Hague. The exhibition Play your city (Speel je stad) zooms in on the importance of outdoor play, a physical interaction with the urban environment, a view of the city as a playground and what the contribution of art could be in this field. The exhibition features a.o. scale models of a selection of Art-at-school projects initiated by Stroom, and the video The Voice of Children by the British collective Assemble (winners Turner Prize 2015). In addition, the exhibition design actively invites visitors to come and play.

#speeljestad on social media
You can can actively contribute to the exhibition by mailing a photograph of your favourite play area in the city to or by posting it directly on Instagram (using #speeljestad).

17 - 19 October 2017

Festival De Betovering
Workshops Het Spuiplein - mijn ideale speelplek

Workshops for children 9 to 12 years old during Festival De Betovering, given by the designers Cathelijne Montens and Krijn Christiaansen.
More information (Dutch only): >> click here

Play your city (Speel je stad) is generously supported by: the City of The Hague, Stichting Atrium City Hall, BankGiro Loterij Fonds and BPD Cultuurfonds.

Parallel to Play your city (Speel je stad), but from an entirely different perspective, Stroom presents the exhibition Céline Condorelli: Proposals for a Qualitative Society (Spinning), also focusing on what play means for the city and for the society we live in (9 September - 19 November 2017).

Speel je stad (Play your city) in Atrium Den Haag
photo: Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Speel je stad (Play your city)
photo: Renske van de Steeg / design: De Nieuwe Studio (Janneke Hendriks and Erla van der Pauw)
Speel je stad (Play your city) in Atrium Den Haag
photo: Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Speel je stad (Play your city) in Atrium Den Haag
photo: Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Speel je stad (Play your city) in Atrium Den Haag
photo: Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Speel je stad, wall with photos by visitors
photo: Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Speel je stad (Play your city) in Atrium Den Haag
photo: Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Speel je stad (Play your city) in Atrium Den Haag
photo: Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
KapteinRoodnat, 'Klimklauterglijzithangvoerbaltoneelbuis' at OBS De Drentse Hoek, 2012
photo: Gert Jan van Rooij, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Krijn Christiaansen and Cathelijne Montens, 'Seascape', at De Opperd, 2014
photo: © Gert Jan van Rooij, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Sara Vrugt, 'Kijken met je handen', at Edith Stein College, 2015
photo: Lisa van Wieringen, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Céline Condorelli: Proposals for a Qualitative Society (Spinning)
photo: Gerrit Schreurs, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Assemble (group photo 2014)
photo: © Assemble
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